• 1-800Lighting

2 Hour Delivery Free from Amazon Prime Now

This is too convenient not to share…If you live in certain zip codes near New York City, Austin, Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas, and Miami, you can get free 2 hour delivery on tens of thousands of items.  You order your items online through an app on your phone and your Amazon Prime account, and two hours later it’s at your door!  It’s brand new but rolling out to more and more zip codes, so check here and see if your zip code is included, or to be notified when it is added, so you can spend more time with family, doing things that matter to you!

Amazon Prime Now

Time to Redeem Gymbucks!

If you made purchases over $50 earlier this year at Gymboree, you have probably earned Gymbucks!  It’s time to redeem them- now through May 3rd!

For the complete Sales Roundup, click HERE

Transparency Disclosure: Some tips include links where Mom’s Priority receives an incentive per click or per purchase, but we also include links that are not incentivized. We only promote businesses and services that we believe truly add value, and hope to earn your trust in that regard. If you ever have any questions regarding this, please contact [email protected]. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy and Disclosure.

Gifts Delivered in 2 Days!

Scenario:  Birthday party this weekend and it’s Wednesday already!

Your child wants to help pick out a thoughtful gift but finding a time to run to the store to pick out the gift together is proving to be a challenge.

Easy solution:  Order online together through Mom’s Priority/Amazon Prime on your handheld device with responsive touch screen design, and have your items delivered to your door, or to the recipient’s door, by Friday!  Shipping is included in your Amazon Prime or Amazon Mom subscription.

Find more savings opportunities HERE

Saving Money Tip: Free Delivery Online at Walmart.com

If you haven’t ordered anything online lately instead of going to the store, you’re missing out! It’s fun to receive packages in the mail, (even if it is paper towels and laundry detergent), it’s free shipping, and you don’t have to go to the store!!

Say “DONE!” to that dreaded shopping trip! Shop at Walmart.com, and get the same items that you’d buy in the store, delivered to your door! Same low prices, and delivery is free when you spend over $50. Save your list at walmart.com and reorder easily.

Do you have kids in tow, have trouble getting around, or just dread the trip to the store in rain, snow, sleet…? I have dreamed of the day when I could shop online, get fair prices, and not have to buy in bulk, and walmart.com is one supplier that is helping fulfill that need! The best aspect is being able to save your shopping list, so you don’t have to look through all of the products to find yours every time you reorder.

It’s hard to beat having all of those bulky items like toilet paper and paper towels delivered right to your door, for the same price, with thousands of products available for online purchase. You can prevent impulse purchases in the store by sticking to your list online, and check one thing off your To Do list easily!

Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC

For more ways to save, click HERE



Transparency Disclosure: Some tips include links where Mom’s Priority receives an incentive per click or per purchase, but we also include links that are not incentivized. We only promote businesses and services that we believe truly add value, and hope to earn your trust in that regard. If you ever have any questions regarding this, please contact [email protected]. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy and Disclosure.

Mom’s Priority Saving Money Tip: Get Rid of your Landline

Most likely, the calls you receive at your home phone are telemarketers, and most of your friends and family call your cell phone number.  If that is the case, then consider eliminating your landline, and save around $40 per month- that is close to $500 per year!  Here are some things to consider before you make the switch:

  1. You may need more minutes on your cell phone if you do not currently have an unlimited plan.
  2. Find out how your alarm system is set up.  Some are connected to your landline phone and a phone is required for the alarm to work; however, the alarm companies can connect it to your cellular phone, but they typically charge an increased fee for that.
  3. A traditional fax machine would not work (but an e-fax would)
  4. If you have a bundled provider who also provides your TV service or internet, they may charge you more on the other services when you remove the landline
  5. The 911 issue- if there is an emergency, if you’re calling from your cell phone, your call could be answered by a neighboring 911 center and not your own.  In the event of an emergency, if you are using your cell phone, make sure you ask for your city’s 911 center.
  6. Consider how much your children use the phone, or if they might need one in the event of an emergency, if they do not have their own cell phones.

After evaluating, you might just decide to eliminate your home phone, simplify your life, and save money!

Mom’s Priority Saving Money Tip: Join Amazon Prime

For less than $100 per year, join Amazon Prime, and receive hundreds of movie titles and TV shows to watch, thousands of songs to stream, and receive free 2 day shipping with your orders, with no minimum order size. Here’s how to stream movies through to your TV:   Simply connect your laptop and TV with an HDMI cable, pull up the Amazon prime movie you wish to watch on your TV, make sure the correct input button on your TV is chosen, and click “full screen” on your Amazon movie.  It’s so easy and inexpensive!!  For more tips on streaming to TV, see Amazon’s article here:  http://www.amazon.com/b?ie=UTF8&node=8101452011

Mom’s Priority Saving Money Tip: Shopping Consignment

With growing kids, you go through clothes fast!!  Especially when they are babies, you are missing out if you never shop consignment sales.  Because babies grow so fast, some clothes are never worn or worn only once, and are in consignment stores and sales at low prices.

You can also sell your children’s clothing, if they are still in very good condition (click here for good clothes to sell), and make money to go back into the clothing fund, or for whatever you want to spend it on.  Each store and sale has its own rules, and you have to decide how much time and effort you want to spend tagging and pricing items.  When you go through a sale, more effort is involved but you make a little more and the sale’s profit usually goes towards a charity or good organization.  When you go to a consignment store, you make a little less, but they do all the work for you and your items are on the racks for a longer period of time.  I’ve done both, and now I go to the store and simply drop off items to sell in season.  You can also simply donate your outgrown clothes, which we also do.

For a list of sales, this is a wonderful site.

  • Vera Bradley Designs, Inc.